22Twosday - Issue 15

22Twosday - Issue 15

  • Chaz Halbert
  • 07/30/24

July 4th typically indicates the start of the “slower season” in real estate. I always explain it to people like this: It’s like a wave; starting in January, the market picks up and continues to gain momentum, eventually peaking around June. Whether the market is increasing or decreasing, this trend is reliable. Check out the chart below of the last 10 years of sales in our area for proof! After Independence day, families hunker back down and prepare for school, holidays, etc. This year, it felt like a larger lull than years past. My theory is the heat. Who wants to go look at homes when it’s 112 degrees out? Especially if you are coming from out of the area... It’s just miserable. I don’t think the slowdown was as drastic as it felt, but this bout of cooler weather we have seen has seemed to tick up traffic at open houses and private showings. This is what I’m hearing when chatting with other professionals, at least.

The same remains true though: Those homes that are prepped well, priced properly, and marketed thoroughly, will sell quickly. My latest listing in Rocklin received two strong offers in the first 24 hours! We never even made it to the open houses on the weekend. I’ve been working with the seller on this one for months, and it really showed well and was priced spot on. Still, I didn’t expect that much action right away. Congrats to my clients!


I mentioned above how that listing in Rocklin sold before the weekend even arrived. Well… that suddenly left me on a Friday afternoon with no plans for the weekend. I’ve raced the Tahoe Trail 100 MTB race for the last three years in a row. Last year was my best performance, completing the 60 mile course in 4:26:41 and earning myself an entry and excellent starting position at the elusive Leadville 100. Life has been busy, and I haven’t been training as much as I’d like to, but on a whim, I thought, why not go and race? So I loaded the van up and hit the road for Truckee at 4am Saturday morning.

My race went surprisingly well. I was about 8 minutes off of my previous best time, but was really content with how I executed considering my current fitness level. This race is SO hard, it’s difficult to put into words. You climb about 8,000 ft in 60 miles, at about 7,000 ft elevation, in 90 degree temps. The climbs are long and brutal, and a lot of the course is exposed. Mentally, it’s one of the most difficult races I’ve done. What I love about this is how it can really test your body and mind. I always finish this race with a fresh reminder of how capable we are of going far deeper than what we feel is possible on the surface. It makes other aspects of life seem much, much more simple.

You can check out my full post on this race on my IG, here.


The Olympics are in full swing! Yesterday morning, the men’s XCO race went off and was a thrilling watch. I won’t spoil it, but you should watch the last lap for yourself. What a race! It’s also awesome to see the USA with the highest total medal count thus far. Anyone else ready to get tickets to LA Olympics 2028?

Thanks for tagging along with me this week. I hope this brightened your day and brought some value to your life. Have some real estate, cycling, or other random questions or thoughts? Never hesitate to reach out! I’d love to grab a coffee. As always, I appreciate your continued support of my business and your referrals are greatly appreciated!



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